Thursday, April 18, 2019

Silver Shortages Are Here And Gold Scarcity Is Coming

MMT is the socialists’ dream. It officially stands for Modern Monetary Theory but a more appropriate name would be More Money Theory. Because MMT is just a fancy name to justify more money printing, more deficits and more debts. Socialists love MMT, because for a sovereign nation, it justifies constantly living above your means. This is of course nothing new for the US which has practised MMT for soon 70 years. Not since the early 1960s has the US had a real budget surplus. Europe has had socialist governments for decades, but for the US it is a relatively new phenomenon. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has now picked up the baton from Krugman, arguing that socialism and deficit spending is the solution to the US problems and the world’s. US UBER-SPENDING Trump, who normally is as far from a socialist as you can get, is nevertheless applying MMT to the US economy by continuing to spend money that doesn’t exist. His tax cutting and uber-spending, combined with the im...


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